Vivekanand College of Nursing Kanth Road, Moradabad – 244001
                      Vivekanand College of Nursing
General Rules and Regulations

  • All students shall abide by the rules and regulations of the College/Institute.
  • Regular and punctual attendance at theory, practical/clinical posting and examinations etc. is compulsory. The students whose overall performance, conduct & academic standard are not found satisfactory, shall not be allowed to appear in the annual examination.
  • Attendance Rules and Regulations:
    • All candidates must have a minimum of 75% attendance in Theory and 100% attendance in Practical/ Clinical Posting to be eligible for appearing in the examinations.
    • Any candidate who does not have adequate attendance will not be permitted to appear in the examinations.
    • Attendance on the reopening day of the College/Institute is mandatory. Lame excuses will not be accepted.
    • Attendance at class/terminal examinations and marks obtained at these examinations will be taken into consideration in assessing the progress and internal assessment.
  • Students are not permitted to use the college telephone.
  • The following are strictly prohibited in the College campus :
    • The possession or use of alcoholic beverages.
    • The possession or use of addictive or hallucinogenic drugs.
    • Gambling, quarrelling and creating disturbance.
    • The possession or use of firearms or any lethal weapons.
    • Loitering around aimlessly.
  • Students must pay for all damages done to the property/belongings of the College/Institute by them.
  • Students must wear their prescribed uniform at all times in the College/Institute, laboratories and on hospital duty.
  • Violation of rules and regulations, indiscipline etc. are to be brought to the notice of the Principal by the HODs. The Principal, in consultation with the senior staff members, shall deal with such matters.
  • The decision of the Principal in all disputes will be final and binding on the students.
  • Students should present the sick leave certificate from Registered Medical Practitioner (M.B.B.S) to the Principal along with the leave application. Cases of illness along with recommendation for sick leave in writing will be forwarded by the HODs/Warden (for Hostellers) to the Principal for sanction of the leave. Fitness Certificate must be submitted at the time of rejoining the College/Institute.
  • Taking leave during the term is discouraged. However, students requiring leave for any other purpose should apply with a letter from their parents/legal guardians to the Principal through the HODs/Warden (in case of Hostlers) well in advance.
  • Transport may be provided to students for all academic and allied activities.
  • At the time of admission to the Institute, the students and parents/legal guardians shall be required to sign a declaration that their wards will abide by the rules and regulations of the college/institute.
  • For Medical treatment, students should inform the HODs/Warden. The College/institute will provide free professional services for sickness. However, the expenses on medicines, investigations and disposable items shall be borne by the students.
  • Students may be expelled from the College/Institute for disobedience and violation of the rules and regulations prescribed by the authorities.
  • No student shall take part in any such activity which may create any kind of disturbance/disruption in the School/College/Institute/Hospital or Hostel or shall instigate other students to go on strike in School/College/Institute/Hospital or Hostel on any matter.
  • Use of Cell phone by students is strictly prohibited in class rooms, hospital and community health postings.
  • The following shall amount to act of gross indiscipline:-
    • Physically assault or threat to use physical force, against any member of the teaching and non-teaching staff of any Institution / department and against any student within and out side the campus.
    • Carrying of any weapon or use or threat to use the same.
    • Any violation of the provision of the Civil Rights Protection Act, 1976.
    • Violation of the status, dignity and honor of students belonging to the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.
    • Any practice whether verbal of otherwise derogatory to the honour of women.
    • Any attempt at bribing or corruption in any manner.
    • Willful destruction or sabotage to the property of institution.
    • Creating ill will of intolerance on religious or communal grounds.
    • Causing disruption in any manner in the academic functioning of the institutions.
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